On WHAT THEY GOT RIGHT, Ruby Jay eats and talks about doritos!
Follow Ruby Jay on instagram @iamrubyjay!
On WHAT THEY GOT RIGHT,our host Ruby Jay will walk viewers through the journey the artists behind those series went on to develop the characters, stories, and worlds that we all know and love!
→ Credits ←
Writer: Joseph Porter
Director of Photography: Scott Summers
Assistant Camera: Adam Katzner
Gaffer: Patrick Ouziel
Edited by Duncan Rawlings
Assistant Editor: Jasper Tatem
Post Supervisor: Christina Newhall
Line Producer: Jacob Rosenthal
Line Producer: Jeremy Chilvers
Executive Producer: Judy Meyers
Produced by Nhi Hong
Production Designer: Daniel Clay Fox
Set Decorator: Jenna Billman
Photo Editing: Montana Hall
Set PA: Megan Byron
Sound Mixer: Hansel Gonzalez
Makeup: Phoebe Dawson
Studio Teacher: Carol Bandy
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doritos taco salad What Doritos Got Right | WHAT THEY GOT RIGHT | |
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Entertainment | Upload TimePublished on 10 Jun 2019 |
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